Popular Services

Equipment is available for pick up at the respective campus Service Desk
• T124 – Anoka Ramsey – Coon Rapids
• F207 – Anoka Ramsey – Cambridge
• AN180 – Anoka Tech

Request support and/or equipment for classroom instruction or campus events. Requested technology includes Winbook carts, microphones, speakers, and more.

Submit a ticket to get something technology-related fixed that is not working right.

Information regarding Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) and MFA Reset Request

Faculty-Staff Technology requests for New Employee devices, Loaner-Telework support, Device Replacement review, or New Hardware purchase.

Ask a general question related to technology services provided at ARCC / ATC

Faculty can request to have their courses combined

Faculty can request to have a user added or removed from their courses

Assistance for disabled and locked accounts

Users can request to have their name changed on their various accounts

Adobe Creative Cloud allows users to access several products in the Adobe Suite.

Allows users to request peripherals.

Submit a request to modify an employee's access

Users can request a new distribution list, or to be added or removed from an existing list.

Tech Tutors provide one-to-one support for online learning tools including D2L, Microsoft 365, and other department-based software.

Students can request assistance with D2L Brightspace tools and other related topics

Users can connect their personal device(s) to the campus Wi-Fi network Eduroam

Users can request support for proctored exams.

Instructors can request to have their courses combined

Users can request assistance for Jabber.

Users can request assistance or report phone-related issues

ARCC or ATC Guests: Request assistance or report an incident to the OIT Service Desk

Shared drives grant users extra storage and sharing capabilities within their departments

Users can request a new shared mailbox or request access to an existing shared mailbox