Counseling and other important resources.

Articles (7)

Anoka Tech Food Pantry

Information regarding the Feed Your Need Food Pantry at Anoka Tech.

Available Basic Needs Resources

Information regarding the resources available for students in need.

Dealing with a financial crisis

Response to the question: Who can I talk to if I am dealing with a financial crisis?

Help with deciding on a program of study

Response to the question: Who can I talk to if I don’t know what program I want to enroll in?

How do I schedule an appointment with the college counselor?

Response to the question: How do I schedule an appointment with the college counselor?

Who can I talk to about managing stress or test anxiety?

Response to the question: Who can I talk to about managing stress or test anxiety?

Who can I talk to if I am dealing with mental health concerns?

Response to the question: Who can I talk to if I am dealing with mental health concerns?