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View D2L attendance for each student in your class.
This article is updated with training events for our new and returning students. Additional sessions will be added as trends or needs arise.
This articles describes the features built into D2L Brightspace. D2L Brightspace is a learning environment engineered with learning in mind. Faculty can supplement their in-class courses or use it to deliver 100% of their course online.
Large files fail to upload to D2L
"Invalid file type " error message from D2L when submitting a document.
After changing email password other college systems still use the old password.
Instructions for printing a document stored in D2L
Videos in Kaltura MediaSpace can be linked out to D2L Brightspace using the Share feature of MediaSpace. The steps described in this article will help you post your videos within D2L Brighspace.
When you enter D2L you are greeted with the Announcement area and can see often times several announcements.
Why is my course in D2L not visible
How can I correct a test answer that was coded incorrectly and have it adjust all students results?
Limit the viewing time of an exam right from the exam options.
Response to the question: My class isn't listed in D2L. What do I do?
Response to the question: D2L Tutorials
ALL: Learn what Brightspace is and how to access the Login portal for D2L Brightspace.