Article Type: Which username to use with college-provided applications
- Which username do I use when accessing college resources?
Answer in the Chart
Use your StarID (ex: ab1234cd) and StarID password for MinnState or college-specific services. Examples are listed below.
Use your MinnState credentials ( if you are a student, or if you are an employee and your StarID password) to access Microsoft-related & connected applications like the list below.
Additional credentials needed to support applications and services
Adobe Creative Cloud uses the college email. (Instructions)
Click Sign In in the upper right corner, sign in with your college email (which has to be either or, then your StarID and password.
Students enrolled in Visual Arts courses will have access for the semester they are taking the course.
Employees must first request a license before using.
Employee Long Distance
Employees only
TechID + 1
If you need to reset your StarID password, please use one of the links below.
Chart for which Username is used with signing into which college application