How to create an email "Contact List or Contact Group"

Tags Outlook

How to create a group of users to send email to.  This makes it easy for a single user to send the same email to group of people.

In the outlook client this is call “contact group”, while in the outlook web application this is called “contact list”. 


How to create a “contact group” in the Outlook Client

  1. Click on the People Icon in the bottom left of the client
  2. Click on the new “Contact Group” Icon
  3. Give the Contact Group a name, and click add members.
  4. After of adding members to the list click on “Save & Close”
  5. You Group Contact List will now can be used to send email to.


How to add a “Contact List” Outlook Web Application

  1. In the outlook web application ( choose the people icon in the bottom left corner.
  2. Click New and then choose “Contact List”
  3. Give the list a name, and then start typing the members that you want to add. When done click save.
  4. The contact now can be used  send email.
    • ​​​​​​​


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Article ID: 136408
Tue 8/3/21 9:41 AM
Wed 1/18/23 4:04 PM