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Instructions for printing a document stored in D2L
Instructions on how to hide/remove comments and tracked changes from a Word document.
Instructions for copying an Excel spreadsheet into a Word document.
Instructions for inserting a table of figures. Links to a MS article.
Instructions on how to insert a table into a Word document
Instructions on how to use software provided by the college to collaborate with other students by sharing one or more documents. The software used is OneDrive plus Word, Excel, and/or PowerPoint.
Link to MS article on how to change Word document margins.
Link to a Microsoft article on adding and removing page numbers to a Word document
Instructions for adding footnotes and endnotes to a Word document. Links to a Microsoft KB article.
Instructions for adding a hanging indent to a Word document. Links to a MS article.
Instructions for adding a citation using built-in Word functionality. Links to a MS article.
This article goes over how a users can save files as PDF's with various Microsoft Office products on a variety of platforms such as web, windows and mac.