PSEO eligibility requirements for Juniors and Seniors


Response to the question: What are the PSEO eligibility requirements for high school Juniors and Seniors?


What are the PSEO eligibility requirements for high school Juniors and Seniors?

High school Juniors must rank in the top 1/3 of their high school class, OR score above the 70th percentile on a nationally standardized, norm-referenced test, OR have a 2.5 GPA or higher.

High school Seniors must rank in the top 1/2 of their high school class, OR score above the 50th percentile on a nationally standardized, norm-referenced test, OR have a 2.5 GPA or higher.

Examples of nationally standardized, norm-referenced tests include the ACT, MCA, and SAT testing. Juniors and Seniors could also gain admission by meeting college-level cut scores on the Reading Accuplacer test. Juniors and Seniors who do not meet any of the PSEO eligibility requirements have the option to complete a two-page, double-spaced essay to appeal admission into the PSEO program.

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Article ID: 143601
Mon 6/12/23 9:42 PM
Thu 6/22/23 1:31 PM