Campus Mobile App: How to Add or Edit Team Members


This article describes how to add or edit a team member within the campus mobile app.


How to Add or Edit Team Members in the Campus Mobile App


  • View the video tutorial on How to Add and Edit Team Members.
  • When adding users, you can only grant access up to your current level of access.
  • New users will receive an invite link via E-mail from Ready Education to create their Campus Cloud account. 
  • If a user needs access to multiple campuses, they will need to be added as a team member to each of their respective campuses.
  • You can check the status of the user's invitation by going to Team Settings. You will see their name, a blue check mark, and their status as active if they have accepted the invite;  You will see pending with an option to resend the invite if they have yet to accept the invitation. 




Article ID: 143429
Mon 2/6/23 11:24 AM
Tue 3/7/23 3:42 PM