What are the PSEO eligibility requirements for high school sophomores?

What are the PSEO eligibility requirements for high school sophomores?

PSEO for 10th Graders (CTE Pathway): Tenth-grade public, non-public and home school students may enroll in PSEO course(s) on a college campus, with the following eligibility criteria and participation limits:

Student Eligibility: The student must have received a passing score (proficiency level of “meets or exceeds”) on the 8th-grade Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) in reading, or if the student did not take the 8th-grade MCA, another reading assessment can be substituted if accepted by the enrolling post-secondary institution.

Participation Limits: A 10th-grade student may enroll in one Career Technical Education (CTE) course during the first semester of enrollment. If the student earns a “C” or higher grade in this first course, the student is eligible to take additional post-secondary courses while in 10th grade.

Locate more information on 10th-grader PSEO options here: https://education.mn.gov/MDE/dse/ccs/pseo/pseo/index.htm

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